Me, Myself, and I.

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

I went to the summer conference in Green Lane Masjid on Friday, Sat and Sun, and it was excellent. The people delivering the lectures were easy to listen to and enthusiastic about every topic they were given to do.

One of the speakers was Sheick Sajid Ahmed Umar, who was born in Leicster, brought up in Zimbabwe and educated in Saudi. MashaAllah, just by that, I was inxlined to listen to him. He said that he was given the title of a topic named: “Me, Myself, and I.” and he thought what talk he could give about that topic. He said that obviously, he thought of the obvious reaction that most people would give, and talk baout selfishness and vanity, and the likes, but he said it was too common, and every one has heard this time and time again.

He decided to do the talk about how will be alone.

We will die alone.

We will be buried alone.

We will be questioned alone.

We will be punished in the grave alone.

We will recieve the book alone.

We will be accountable for Our Own sins.

We will confront Allah alone.

We will flee from our brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, and friends.

We will be alone.

And just those couple of sentences that he started the lecture off with got me thinking. That is so true. And yet how much time do we spend with our friends, and families, enjoying their company and hating to be alone. Do we ever think that maybe its beneficial for us to sit alone sometimes, and ponder what we have done for the day. Do we ever reflect on our day, see if we did all the things that are pleasing to Allah

How do we know that when we sleep we will wake up the next morning?

How do we know the head that haid down might not get up again?

How do we know that when we breath in, we might not be able to breath out again?

How do we know the eyes that have closed will open again?

We don’t. So we should ponder and reflect on all we did on that day, and if we did anything wrong, aske for forgiveness. Say Astaghfirullah atleast 50 times, and mean it.

Brothers and Sisters, we need to wisen up, and know that we wont be in this world forever. We need to repent, and start doing the things you said you would do five years ago. Start worshipping Allah. Command the good and forbid the bad.


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Filed under Death, Dunya, Islam

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